School Failure (1)


School failure – We speak of failure when a child cannot reach the average performance level expected for their age or educational status.

Yes, that is a correct definition of school failure. School failure is when a student consistently performs below the expected level for their age or grade level. Its can happen for various reasons, such as learning disabilities, lack of motivation, or poor teaching.

School failure can have many negative consequences for students, including:

  • Dropping out of school
  • Lower employment opportunities
  • Increased risk of poverty
  • Poorer health

Increased involvement in criminal activity

Identifying school failure early and intervening to provide students with the support they need to succeed is essential. Different interventions, such as tutoring, special education services, and counseling, can be effective.

If you are concerned that your child is failing in school, it is essential to talk to their teacher, school counselor, or principal. They can assess your child’s needs and develop a plan to help them succeed.

The only means we have to evaluate this aspect is the school grades.

Most parents, faced with school failure, as is customary, are distressed by their children’s failures or are overwhelmed when they do not want to do their homework. They often resort to lecturing or rewards and punishments to correct this problem. However, our child psychology team does not agree with this approach, which does not solve the problem and creates tension and discomfort in the family and child.

It is crucial to find out what is going on. Perhaps at school, our son is cold with homework and is overwhelmed by the pressure to perform. He may have problems with his classmates that cause him anxiety. Frequently, studying is transmitted to them as a duty and not as something fun.


The most common causes of strain failure are:

  • Mental retardation.
  • emotional disorder
  • Learning problems or difficulties.
  • ADHD attention disorder with or without hyperactivity
  • Bad study techniques.
  • Vision or hearing problems.
  • Lack of motivation.
  • Giftedness

Each student is a particular case, but most of the time, they do not respond to a single cause. There are innumerable failures of the educational system. Our teaching system focuses on rote, theoretical, and reflective learning… Therefore, a child with a more pragmatic learning style has more significant difficulties in assimilating information. All this can lead to school failure.

Given all these variables, it is imperative to conduct a good evaluation by a Child Psychologist to determine what factor is causing the failure, make a good diagnosis, and carry out an early and effective intervention that helps the child in this situation.


As a child psychologist, I use cognitive behavioral therapy in my exercise. I will teach you techniques and tools to control your emotions, thoughts, and behaviors, thus achieving your emotional well-being.

Once assessed and diagnosed, the behaviors we want to change are determined, the objectives to be achieved, and a plan to eliminate unwanted behaviors are established.

School Failure

ADHD signs, symptoms, and treatment – help parents

ADHD stands for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. It is a neurobiological disorder originating in a baby that involves a pattern of attention deficit, hyperactivity, and impulsivity, often associated with other comorbid diseases.