Perfil laboral (perfil profesional) in the Curriculum – We are going to learn how to make the perfil laboral (perfil profesional ejemplos) of a CV; we are going to see it in detail with examples, tips, use template, and step by steps; in this guide, you will find everything you need for your perfil laboral (perfil laboral ejemplo) whether you are a senior or if you have a cv without experience.

Although the Perfil laboral (perfil profesional) for CV is not yet a section that all candidates include in their CV, I have observed that its use is becoming more frequent. In this article, we will answer whether you need an Administrative Perfil laboral (perfil profesional ejemplos), a perfil laboral (perfil profesional para hoja de vida) without experience, an experienced executive, or a managerial profile.

I think most recruiters like to have an excellent general summary of the candidate’s profile in the resume, which serves as an introduction and guide to better understand the rest of the information in the overview.

With this post, I intend to give you some guidelines so that you can incorporate or improve the Perfil laboral (perfil de una hoja de vida) section in your CV as one of the most relevant and visible sections. For this, we will step by step, responding to the points of the index and seeing examples.

There is only one casual to make a good first impression, don’t miss out on this simple way to present yourself effectively.

Summarizing your professional career in a single paragraph seems like a complex task, but it is not so; follow the model and templates we give as an example.

What is the Perfil laboral (perfil laboral para hoja de vida ejemplos) of the resume?

As its name suggests, the perfil laboral (perfil profesional ejemplos) is a summary of your profile and career as a professional adapted to each job offer or each job you apply for.

Extract five lines to describe and define your training, professional experience, primary responsibilities, achievements, and skills.

It is a synthesis of what is most representative of your professional life; it must capture the recruiter’s attention and give coherence to what the recruiter will see in your CV, a kind of introduction to the resume, which helps the recruiter to see and understand look at your trajectory.

Imagine that it is like a personal sales text of your value as a professional, but in a summarized way, where you place the most engaging professional information that best defines you at work.

Importance of the Perfil laboral (ejemplos de perfil profesional) What is the use of an impressive professional summary?

  1. Synthesize your CV in a simple, global, and integrating way in all the sections or sections of the Curriculum.
  2. Capture the attention and attention of the recruiter from the first second.
  3. Show the strengths of your profile quickly and directly.
  4. Usability and comfort. It makes it easier for the recruiter to analyze the candidate’s suitability for the vacant position.
  5. Motivate the recruiter to delve into the content of the resume.
  6. It is one of the elements/sections that best lend itself to strategically adapting the strategic adaptation of Curriculum to each offer or company.
  7. It allows you to incorporate skills, abilities, and personality traits to enrich and enhance your candidacy.
  8. Its use is not yet widespread. Therefore, it is a differentiating element.
  9. An excellent perfil laboral (perfil profesional hoja de vida) will make a difference compared to other candidates.

How to use the Perfil laboral (perfil personal para hoja de vida) in the CV?

How to name this section within the Curriculum?

You can use different ways to name it within the resume, depending on your professional level, the available space, or the aesthetic line.

Perfil laboral (ejemplos de perfil laboral) | Profile | Executive Summary | Extract are the most common. But ultimately, the important thing is to work the content well.

Where to place the Perfil laboral (perfil profesional ejemplos) within the Curriculum?

The Perfil laboral (perfil profesional) section is usually placed just after the personal data. As I was saying, it is the section that serves as an introduction and guide for the rest of the Curriculum.

How to prepare the Perfil laboral (ejemplo de perfil laboral)? Wording and information to include

Writing is essential to achieve a good perfil laboral (perfil personal ejemplo) that enriches your CV.

I will comment on some aspects you can incorporate into your Perfil laboral (perfil para curriculum) summary. The idea is to show your strengths and differentiators and position yourself as a candidate, therefore playing with the information you include in seeking this objective. Every one of the elements that I show you below doesn’t have to appear, nor in that order, only those that are most important and that you are interested in highlighting.

I am going to give you individual examples for each of the points; although I show you each one of them in an isolated way, they have to be intertwined with each other harmonically and synergistically; at the end of the article, I will give you some examples of complete Perfil laboral (resumen profesional ejemplos) for that you see it more clearly and in an integrated way.

What information to include in your Professional Summary?

1. Most representative experiences of your career (and functional areas)

Identify the most relevant experiences in your professional career based on the similarity with the position you are currently seeking.

I do not usually mention specific positions, although sometimes I do so because I am interested in promoting that position; I usually speak in general about the most relevant jobs (or functional areas) based on the objectives of the professional with whom I am working.

Examples of perfil laboral for CV:

“7 years of experience as a Spanish Language and Literature Teacher ”

“I currently work at Accenture as a Business Development Manager .”

“…performing the position of Systems Engineering Manager ….”

“…mainly as IT Manager and Technical Consultant ….”

“My professional career is linked to Business Development (in Sectors such as Human Resources and IT).”

“17 years of involvement in Marketing, Communication, and Sales. ”

Two years of experience

I always mention, and also clearly visible, the years of experience. As long as the professional seeks continuity in his career. Suppose you are looking for the opposite (radically changing sector or position). In that case, logically, it will not benefit to mention years of experience if it bears no relation to the current objective.

Examples of perfil laboral for CV:

“…more than 15 years of knowledge in positions of accountability in management, either Commercial or Technical. ”

” 7 years of experience as a Spanish Language and Literature Teacher ”

3. Training

Training is also a key element in your profile, but incorporate it in the summary if it makes a point in your favour. If your training is not related to the target position or your training is well below or above, what is necessary for the job, it is better that you enhance other points and do not mention this one in the summary of your profile.

Examples of perfil laboral for CV:

Computer Engineer with 15 years of knowledge in information technology

Degree in Business Administration and Master in Corporate Communication.

Degree in Business Administration and Management, finishing Master’s End Project (“Variable Income Investment Funds”). She is starting a Doctorate on the same subject.

4. Sector

The sectors where you have experience are an added value if you go to the same industry or related sectors, otherwise, do not include it in your Perfil laboral (resumen profesional).

Professional resume examples for CV:

“I have established my professional career in the Retail sector ….”

“My professional career is linked to the ICT sector.”

“…leading the development of IT projects for various business areas, in sectors such as Public Administration and Industry .”

5. Professional specialization

I am very much in favour of specialization; I believe the market is increasingly looking for more specialists and fewer generalists (although, in some positions, the trend may seem the opposite). For this reason, I mention professional specialization as a high-impact differential value whenever I can, and the client’s profile allows it.

Examples of perfil laboral:

” Expert in projects involving critical mission IT services and business continuity”

” I specialized in Recovery, Backup, Storage, and Virtualization.”

6. Most  representative functions of your career

You can mention the global functions of your position without going into detail to give an overview of what you have done and what you can contribute.

I have developed and managed comprehensive business strategies and led the launch and development of new lines of business.

I have participated in planning change, acquisition, and integration processes.

“…leading the global strategy in  ​​IT Systems and Infrastructures.”

7. Summary of professional and personal skills

In some cases, I make an exclusive section for competencies. Despite this, I mention the two or three main competencies of the professional I am working with in their profile summary, always about the type of position and target company. The same skills will not be valued for a Project Manager as a Commercial Director. I usually abuse the “Results Orientation” skill (it seems essential to me for all positions).

The most personal aspects are usually separated from professional skills, but not always.

Examples for the CV:

“I am an analytical and organized professional, accustomed to high demand and working towards objectives… I have a dynamic, constant, and optimistic character.”

8. Companies

You can mention companies in some cases; it is not very common, but you can do it if you have worked in renowned companies or that belong to the same sector as the company to which you send the CV.

“I currently work at Accenture as Business Development Manager.” not an actual example

“…I currently hold the position of Corporate Communications Manager at Grupo Planta ” Non-real example

9. Photo CV

Yes, the photo is included in this section. It depends on the aesthetics, format, and organization of the CV, but I usually introduce the image in the Perfil laboral section, on the left side of the text. With this, apart from looking for aesthetics in the CV, the photo is an element that communicates, transmits, empathizes, humanizes, and reinforces the content of the text it accompanies (and the CV in general).

12. Differentiating elements that you can use in the perfil laboral of the CV

It can be languages, master’s degrees, work methodologies, courses, specializations, international experience,… in short, everything that makes you different from the majority.

Difference between Professional Objective and Perfil laboral

When I wrote my first CV, I included the Professional Objective section, today this section is outdated; as a recruiter, I want to see what you are and the potential you have, and I understand that if you have signed up for an offer, it is because it fits with your professional objectives, If not, it will be revealed in the interview.

That said, sometimes, when it comes to Junior Profiles or professionals looking for a change in their professional career, I can wink at what the professional is looking for but without getting my fingers caught and marking the guidelines very well to adapt this aspect if you choose or other types of offers not related to the main objective.

If you have doubts or do not see it clearly, it is best not to mention objectives in this section.

Use of keywords in the perfil laboral of the resume

Within the professional summary, make attention calls by using bold, underlining, or changing colour on the 4 or 5 critical points of the perfil laboral to draw attention to them. Do not abuse these attention calls if you do not want to achieve the opposite effect. Choose very feel five assists, six at most, that you consider relevant to be more visible and capture the recruiter’s attention.

What format can you use for your perfil laboral

Between 5 and 7 lines. Organized in 3 or 4 paragraphs. Using simple phrases and clear and direct language.

* Note: if you want a more elegant and aesthetic CV that captures the attention of the trimmer. I recommend these articles:

  • ⇒ How to choose the best template for your resume.
  • Eighteen resources to make a visually aesthetic resume.

Perfil laboral vs Cover Letter

The Perfil laboral does not replace the Cover Letter or vice versa. They are two different tools, but yes, you can rely on one of them to build the other, without being too repetitive, in such a way that both reflect who you are by contributing different elements (see how to make a high-impact cover letter )

Perfil laboral VS Linkedin extract?

It is not the same either; they do not have the same function. See how to fill in the Linkedin extract.

Perfil laborals, examples, and models

In these examples of professional CV profiles, you will see how the same idea is present in both, but the same elements we discussed are not used.

Example of perfil laboral for CV 1

My professional career is linked to the ICT sector; I have more than 15 years of experience, mainly as an IT Manager and Technical Consultant; I am specialized in Recovery, Backup, Storage, and Virtualization, in international projects (I speak   English and French fluently). ).

I have a technical and business profile since I have carried out Pre-Sales functions and coordinated commercial development strategies.

Disciplined, communicative, analytical, goal-oriented, and positive thinking.

Example of professional summary for CV 2

Electronic Engineer, specialized in IT Management, certified in PMP and ITIL Foundation V.3 . More than ten years leading the integral management of projects (Public Cloud, Mail, Lync, Databases, among others) for Telecommunications companies. She is an expert in projects involving mission-critical IT services.

I currently hold the position of Systems Engineering Manager, leading the global strategy in  ​​IT Systems and Infrastructures.

Extensive knowledge of development methodologies ( Scrum ), project management ( PMP ), and service management ( ITIL ).

I am an analytical and organized professional, accustomed to high demand and working towards objectives.

Terms related to Perfil Laboral

perfil laboral para hoja de vida
perfil profesional
resumen profesional
perfil profesional ejemplos
perfil laboral ejemplo
resumen profesional ejemplos
perfil laboral para hoja de vida ejemplos
perfil profesional ejemplos
resumen profesional ejemplos
perfil profesional para hoja de vida
perfil de una hoja de vida
resumen profesional ejemplos
perfil profesional ejemplos
ejemplos de perfil profesional
perfil profesional hoja de vida
perfil personal para hoja de vida
ejemplos de perfil laboral
perfil profesional ejemplos
perfil profesional
ejemplo de perfil laboral
perfil personal ejemplo
perfil para curriculum
resumen profesional ejemplos