what is the most effective procedure of marketing – Marketing strategies are vital for any company, whatever the type of products or services it offers, since they are a connection in the value chain. Learn now what they are and how to implement the ones that are best for the business you run.

Why is it important to have a marketing strategy?

Establishing an adequate marketing strategy represents great advantages for your company. Let’s see some of its benefits:

  • You will sell more and constantly.
  • You will make the maintenance and growth of the company possible.
  • You will understand what your  ideal clients are looking for.
  • You will meet the needs and exceed the expectations of buyers.
  • You will strengthen the relationship with the target market.
  • You will build the brand in the mind of the consumer.
  • You will stand out from the competition.

It will no longer depend on luck that you make a purchase, but on parameters that you will observe and improve over time.

Segmentation strategies

A segmentation strategy allows you to choose which customers you will reach. You can reach a massive, differentiated, concentrated audience or do  one to one .

  • The mass marketing strategyseeks to appeal to the entire market, that is, to all possible customers (currently it is the least effective).
  • Differentiated marketingseeks to do the same as mass marketing, only by segmenting the market into different types of customers. For example, it divides the market into youth and adults and appeals to both groups, but in different ways. It is the strategy most used by large companies and multinationals.
  • In concentrated marketing, one of the market segments is chosen, which makes it possible to better concentrate the efforts of the campaign. It is the most effective strategy for growing companies.
  • The one to onemarketing strategy   appeals to individual consumers with personalized products or services. This strategy works for any type of company, but it can be more expensive.

Strategies in relation to the competition

This type of strategy focuses on the competitive aspect. The main thing is to define what is the position you occupy in the market compared to the competition.

  • If you are above the rivals, maintain that position.
  • If you are below the competition, scale the position.
  • If you’re below, you can stay there as well, in case fighting for a higher place backfires.

Brand positioning strategies

Position the brand to capture more attention. This way you will be the option that consumers approach first.

To achieve a good brand positioning strategy, analyze:

  • What competitors do and how customers perceive you in comparison.
  • What do customers need?
  • What distinguishes what you offer.
  • Who consumes the brand.
  • How do you get the customer to recognize you?
  • How affordable are the prices compared to the quality and price of the competition.

Market penetration strategies

These strategies seek to grow the company so that you offer more products in more places, without neglecting the real needs of customers. And, of course, without creating an oversupply.

You will also achieve it by reaching other markets, that is, by exploring other types of consumers and adapting the products. You can also create new products aimed at the current market.

Portfolio or Product Elimination Strategies

Will you achieve a better financial state by removing items from the portfolio?

Maybe you have products where you spend a lot of resources, but the return on investment is minimal, zero or even negative. Analyze which products or services are selling and which are not.

Digital marketing strategies

These are the strategies that position a company on the Internet. Today most businesses do digital marketing, but a few years ago it was something that not everyone contemplated.

 Content Marketing Strategies

They are also applied on the internet, but they are based on the writing of articles, infographics and even ebooks. You can create a blog and use content marketing

Of course, these will also be defined thanks to the audience you are going to address, so that your communication appears on the relevant platforms and arouses genuine interest in the audience of your strategy.

It is true that there will be some risks, but you know that it will be worth it if the desired conversion happens.

Create a calendar of actions

Once you have established channels, strategies and actions to be taken, then it is possible to create a calendar for each one. Launching everything at the same time is what prevents a marketing strategy from having an impact, because it does not convey an evolution. You can’t send discount coupons to people who don’t even know your brand yet, so it ‘s about coming up with actions that provoke reactions that lead your prospects to the next step you designed .