Will tech jobs be automated? – One of the most required and well-paid job areas to which you can apply is related to technology. Would you like to know the most requested positions and in what range the salaries are? Then you cannot miss this list in which we show you the best and most demanded technological jobs, their benefits and which companies are looking for professionals.

The hottest tech jobs right now.

What data scientists do: Data science is a diverse field with many responsibilities, depending on the company. Data scientists evaluate information to deliver creative insight. Tasks typically include building machine-based learning tools for the tech company, recommendation engines, or expanded artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities. They also often collect, clean, and organize data and perform statistical and predictive analysis.

Skills and experience:

  • Strong understanding of statistical theory and its applications. Solid knowledge and practical experience with machine learning and big data techniques (Spark, Pig, Hive).
  • Exceptional coding skills and experience with at least one high-level programming language (Python, Java or equivalent).
  • We have a proven track record of 3+ years of experience in data science projects.
  • Experience in investigations on large-scale data sets.

Who is hiring data scientists:

  • Malouf, Logan, Utah –  View the work
    • Maternity and paternity leave.
    • Vacations and paid time off.
    • Employer-Paid Health Care
  • ManTech, Chantilly, Virginia –  View the work
    • Medical, dental and optical plans.

Software engineer

What software engineers do: They use knowledge of engineering principles and programming languages ​​to design, develop, and install software and systems. This role can start as an entry-level position, with the opportunity to be promoted to senior software engineer roles.

Skills and experience:

  • Knowledge of multiple programming languages ​​such as Java, MySQL/Oracle/DB, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  • Experience in SQL, data modelling and basic database schema design.
  • Experience working on complex business systems to improve processes and procedures, ensuring the validity of business data.
  • Ability to solve architecture and systems problems involving scalability and relational databases.

Who is hiring software engineers:

  • John Deere, Fargo, North Dakota –  See the work
    • 401(k) with a 6% match.
    • 10 days of vacation.
    • Possibility of flexible hours
  • Slalom, Atlanta – See the work
    • 50% of 401(k) with 6% match.
    • Medical care, including transgender medical benefits.
    • Maternity and paternity leaves.
  • Discord, San Francisco – See the work
    • Free lunch.
    • Travel reimbursement.
    • Low-cost health/dental plan.

DevOps Engineer

What DevOps Engineers Do: DevOps (Development and Operations) engineers automate and optimize systems and processes, as well as create and maintain tools for deployment, operations, and monitoring systems. They also diagnose and resolve problems in development, test, and production environments.

What data analysts do: Design and development of work environment for data development, analysis and strategies, as well as the implementation of data analysis tools and user training. Other tasks include collecting and analyzing data sets from various sources for business decisions and predictions and monitoring internal and external data.

Skills and experience:

  • Attention to detail, analytical thinking and problem-solving ability.
  • Experience in data modelling and reporting software.
  • Ability to write reports in plain language.

Architect of solutions

What solution architects do: Solution architects manage complex processes to solve business problems using technology. Duties include defining solution features, phases, and requirements to address the issues and pain points and determining the best technology solution to solve problems while also explaining the key to project stakeholders to gain buy-in.

Skills and experience:

  • IT infrastructure and cloud development.
  • Engineering and design of architecture software.
  • Work experience in various areas of IT.
  • Project and product management.

Systems Engineer

What Systems Engineers Do: Systems engineers combine engineering and coding knowledge to implement computer systems for businesses and organizations. Most job descriptions require system design and analysis and communication, math, and business skills. They implement new strategies, evaluate performance, and fix software bugs in existing systems. Responsibilities may include preparing progress reports and specifications, maintaining inventory, and supervising payroll.

Software Developer

What Software Developers Do: The responsibilities of a software developer include designing, testing, implementing, and managing software programs. They are also responsible for modifying existing programs to meet the needs of the business, developing quality assurance test methods, training users, and evaluating software for efficiency and ease of use. They may also implement programs, integrate systems, train users, and monitor systems.

UX Designer

What UX Designers do: UX designers are responsible for the look and feel of websites. Using product specifications, user psychology, and research data, they work with web developers to create website concepts and conduct usability testing to assess design success. They find creative ways to address usability and localization issues and use the knowledge gained to develop prototypes to meet customer needs.