is automotive technology a good career – The Automotive Engineering career is one of the best professional alternatives for those who are passionate about innovation, productivity and development.

And it is that the training of this degree allows to develop, manufacture, design and test an asset as important as vehicles, which are also constantly evolving and modernizing.

The income profile

Entering this career demands characteristics, skills, and abilities associated with both engineering in general and the automotive field specifically. Some of these are:

Interest in automobiles

Logically, this degree is only suitable for you if you are really passionate about and interested in vehicles, since it focuses especially on these, from the point of view of production systems.

Having an interest in cars is not just dreaming of having the best on the market, but really being curious about their history, the emergence of different brands and the potential of each one based on its characteristics.

Ease of drawing

In recent years, new technologies have been industrialized to design vehicles, and processes have been migrated to the digital realm.

However, drawing has not been replaced as a method for conceptualizing and sketching new cars. It is simply done through different devices (robots or automated systems).

As a future automotive engineer, it is important that you have a knack for drawing and that you can understand compositions and structures.

Also, drawing is an aspect that is related to creativity and inventiveness, something fundamental to excel in the areas of innovation and development of new products in many areas in general, and in the automotive industry in particular.

facility for physical mathematics

This type of mathematics relates the calculations to the measurement of spaces, resistance and other physical aspects, in this case oriented to the car production processes.

Although it seems like purely theoretical knowledge, physical mathematics makes it possible to assess the feasibility of design projects and production systems in general.

penchant for technology

One of the industries that has been most impacted by technology is the automotive industry. Currently, massive data analysis and robotics, among other things, make it possible to produce a greater volume of cars in less time, reducing costs, stoppages and errors.

In the future, as in many other industries, it is expected that the use of technologies will increase and, also, that their impact and results will be more tangible.

Project Development and Administration

Through this subject you will learn basic and essential managerial aspects that must applied to manage specific projects, with predefined goals and objectives.

These factors are related to the capacity for coordination, delegation of functions and analysis of results and performance in general.

You will also know elements of the environments that must taken into account when scheming and conceptualizing a project so that it is realistic and successful.

Human and Citizen Training

A good academic plan for the Automotive Engineering degree is responsible for promoting values ​​and ethics, something essential in today’s business world.

Among other things, this subject will teach you that productivity and economic benefits cannot achieved at all costs and, instead, that factories and production processes must be friendly to the environment and avoid causing damage to nearby communities.

It will also show you what the proper course of an engineer is and what philosophies and principles should  followed.

Industrial psychology

When you take this chair you will immerse yourself in a very interesting universe: the study of the classic methods of selection, recruitment, training and supervision of personnel.

This type of mathematics relates the calculations to the measurement of spaces, resistance and other physical aspects, in this case oriented to the car production processes.

Although it seems like purely theoretical knowledge, physical mathematics makes it possible to assess the feasibility of design projects and production systems in general.

penchant for technology

One of the industries that has been most impacted by technology is the automotive industry. Currently, massive data analysis and robotics, among other things, make it possible to produce a greater volume of cars in less time, reducing costs, stoppages and errors.

In the future, as in many other industries, it expected that the use of technologies will increase and, also, that their impact and results will more tangible.

That is why the Automotive Engineering career demands students who are familiar with digital systems and different devices and programs.

Specifically, it needs young people and adults who are accu

Occupational field of Automotive Engineering

One of the main characteristics of Automotive Engineering is that it has a wide field of work. Some of the opportunities that its professionals can access are:

Production supervisor

This classic responsibility of the industrial area is one of the most feasible job opportunities for graduates in the Automotive Engineering career.

The training offered by this subject allows you to dedicate yourself to supervising the processes related to the production of vehicles and their parts, which involves logistics, technologies and, of course, human talent.

In addition, a production supervisor constantly analyzes manufacturing systems to determine points of improvement and changes that can increase profitability and quality.

Quality Analyst

Since we mentioned quality, a key term in the industrial sector, we cannot leave out this classic job option.

These analysts do not focus on the analysis of the production processes themselves, but of the finished products.